Grandpa’s Tree

Grandpa’s Tree

A landmark. It was everybody’s tree, standing “on look out,”  guarding school age children, league baseball players, and Coal Creek adventurers.  The foliage changed with the seasons, marking the passage of time. Its beauty surpassed its smaller “neighbors.”    This...
Sweet Street

Sweet Street

We all Scream for Ice Cream What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Me, I am a chocolate kind of gal, but every now and then I let my taste buds wander. My love affair with ice cream began years ago. My maternal grandparents are Beaver people.  Every so often, I...
Honoring our roots

Honoring our roots

Cows: “Stand perfectly still and don’t worry. They are just as afraid of you as you are of them,” my grandfather instructed as I was given my spot in the pasture. The closer they came, the more the fear crept into my small frame. But I stood my ground even as these...
Cowley Drug

Cowley Drug

I can still hear the back door close behind me as I enter “my candy store,” and  I smell the very distinct scent that says Cowley Drug.  With my red two-wheeler parked out back, I rush down the sloped entrance and stop at the old-fashioned soda machine to...